A Dream of Purification

Purification Levi Sap Nei Thang

Last night, I had a dream that left me with a profound sense of purification. In my dream, as I stood in the shower, I noticed something incredible. As I washed the skin on my feet, the dead skin and dirt effortlessly came off. It was a deeply satisfying experience, as if all impurities were being washed away.

What struck me most about this dream was the ease with which the cleansing occurred. There was no need for harsh cleaners or vigorous scrubbing. Simply by touching my skin, the dirt softly came off, leaving me feeling refreshed and renewed.

Upon waking up, I couldn’t help but see this dream as a metaphor for a season of purification in my life. I believe that God, even in my sleep, was cleansing me as I worshiped Him. It was as if the worship songs that played throughout the night were a soundtrack to this divine purification process.

Dreams have a way of revealing deeper truths and messages to us. In this dream, I found solace in the idea that God is constantly at work, even when I am unaware. It reminded me of the importance of surrendering to His cleansing and transformative power, allowing Him to wash away the impurities in my heart and mind. 

As I reflect on this dream, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to experience this symbolic purification. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing work that God is doing in my life, and a call to continue seeking His presence and guidance in all that I do.

In my dream, as I stood in the shower, I noticed something incredible. As I washed the skin on my feet, the dead skin and dirt effortlessly came off. It was a deeply satisfying experience, as if all impurities were being washed away.
– Levi Sap Nei Thang

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